The Residential School Survivors and Descendants Scholarship

The Residential School Survivors and Descendants Scholarship was created by 49 Design to honor the victims of Residential and Boarding schools in Canada and the USA. Dozens of schools were set up in both countries by various churches and government entities with the mission to force assimilation upon First Nations and Native American children. Children were often not allowed to speak their Native language, and faced abuse and conditions that contemporaneously have been described as genocide, even by the Pope. 

J. Nathan Rainy Chief is the owner of 49 Design and the descendant of several residential school attendees. On this page, we provide answers to commonly asked questions.

1. Am I eligible to apply for the scholarship, even if I am not enrolled in a post-secondary institution? 

Yes, the scholarship is not just for college and university attendees. It will be awarded to a residential school survivor or descendant who can illustrate financial need in order to achieve a goal. That may be vocational. It may be to take culture classes. It may also be for a business venture. The scholarship functions as a way to provide funding for the awardee to achieve something that they may currently be held back from due to lack of funding.

2. What do I need to do to apply? 

You should provide a 1000-2000 word essay that explains how you are related to residential school survivors and what you are doing to break the generational trauma they caused and how you would spend the money to further your goals.

3. Is there an application to fill out? 

When you have completed you essay, you can email it to Submissions are now closed for the 2024-2025 scholarship. A winner will be announced by December 31st 2024

4. Can I apply if I am from Canada or USA?

The scholarship is open to anyone who is a descendant or who attended a boarding school that was created by a church or government entity and is of Native American or First Nations descent. We will verify tribal descendancy and school attendance of you or your relative. 

5. Am I responsible for taxes on the scholarship?

Yes. Any awardee is responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with tax laws of their jurisdiction in ensuring the scholarship money is correctly designated as income. Please consult an accountant or your taxing authority for questions related to the scholarship money and how it should be designated for your individual situation.

6. Who do I contact about the scholarship?

All inquiries may be sent to regarding the scholarship. We are receiving an overwhelming response to this scholarship. While we are attempting to contact all applicants, it may not be possible to return all emails due to the volume we are receiving. 

7. When is the deadline?

The scholarship deadline each year will be December 31st. We will continue to award the scholarship provided that Orange Campaign items continue to sell in our stores. The funding comes from the profits of Orange Campaign items. In the near future, we will be designating a special area in our stores just for Orange Campaign items and with information about the scholarship.

8. I am working on a project that is not related to college or university but need funding. Can I apply?

Absolutely. The scholarship is not just for college or university classes. You can use it for business funding, special projects, vocational classes, or cultural classes. You need to share in your essay how the funding would help you achieve your goals.

9. How much is the scholarship?

The scholarship for the 2024-2025 year is $6000 CAD. 

10. When will the scholarship be awarded? 

The scholarship will be awarded on December 31st 2024